Anyone Still Out There?

After about a 4 month hiatus I have finally decided to give this page some love,  I doubt anyone still reads this (if they ever did) but I figure I may as well post some of the shots I got in the months I was gone as some of them are pretty awesome I must say. Let’s give this blogging thing another chance!

In the last few months I quit my job which I believe I mentioned and took off for Asia yet again, we had such an incredible time there is was sad to come home but  I was thrilled to have the chance to jet down to LA for the weekend after I got home to see one of my all time favorites Fleetwood Mac at the Hollywood Bowl which was of course magic right there in front of my eyes.  I came home from LA and basically headed straight to my mom’s house in the Okanagan seeking some kind of sun and possibly a tan.. I am currently enjoying a summer of what I like to call “funemployment” (a wonderful term I can’t take credit for) before checking back into reality in the fall.

The posts to follow will likely be a lot of catch up and travel photos so you will have to bear with me!



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